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Cherisse is going
home to 

South Africa!

Partner with me as I help support my parents incredible LEGACY in South Africa!

This pic is from 1989 when we first moved to South Africa. 

Ways to give:


*note: make sure you click "Friends & Family" or PayPal will take out money for fees. My PayPal is connected to

Screenshot 2024-02-23 at

Apple Cash:

Text a payment using 
Apple Cash to the number below.


Scan QR code with your phone or type in the user name"CherisseRayCorbin"

Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 14.56_edited.jpg

Cash App:

Scan QR code with your phone or type in the user name "$CherisseCorbin"



Make checks payable to: "Release the Children"

Mail Checks to: 176 Country Ridge Way, Branson, MO 65616


*I will be sending a gift from South Africa to everyone who gives, so include your address with your donation.  

*All gifts will go to my parents 501C3 "Release the Children" and will be tax deductible donations.  Yasss to write-offs! 

Why I'm going to South Africa:

This is the first time I've ever raised money to go on a missions/humanitarian trip. Every time I've traveled overseas it's been self-funded or part of a work project. I now find myself at a time in life where funds are super-tight, as I continue embarking on becoming an entrepreneur, "Boss Lady".  Thus, I'm asking for your support to partner with me as I join my parents in South Africa.


I feel that God has called me to accompany and work alongside my parents on this 2024 trip.  The word that keeps coming to me is LEGACY.  My parents have spent the last 50+ years of their lives working to change children's lives around the world. For 23 years they lived full-time in South Africa, and the last 10 years working in SA for 3-6 months a year, while traveling to other countries to work/minster as well.  They have established a LEGACY and have changed thousands of lives because of their passion, love and knowledge.  It's mind-blowing!  But their work is not finished.  There are still more leaders to train, children to reach, and curriculum to build and implement...God's not done with them yet!  They aren't too old...they are wise and full of an incredible wealth of skills, talents, wisdom and knowledge, that needs to be shared. I want to be a part of continuing to share my parents LEGACY with those in South Africa. 

On this trip I will be recording video footage and taking photos of all the work they do while in SA.  I will also continue working with my Mom on her baby and toddler curriculum to help lay the foundation for implementation of the first "Toddler Sprouts" preschool in South Africa. You might even see me teaching a class or two.  My desire is to help in every way I can to capture, promote, and cement my parents Legacy so that their work will continue far past their days on this earth.

So friends, it's really a win partner with me to do amazing work with children in South Africa while getting a write-off on your taxes!  All gifts are tax deductible through my parents 501C3 "Release the Children" non-for-profit ministry.


Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Thank you for your love for our family and for believing in us and for supporting us all these years.  You are the unsung heroes in this story and we are forever grateful!



aka Boss Lady


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