My mission statement: “My mission is to create freedom in mind, body and spirit for myself and others.”
I have worked long and hard, searched and looked deep inside, outside and around to write this mission statement. Do you have a mission statement? Why do you need a mission statement for work and life?
A mission statement can in one sentence say who you are and what your purpose is…It gives you direction, it gives you decision making ability, it give you peace. Why? Because every thought you think, every decision you make is viewed through the lens of your mission-what you are actually on this planet to do.
There is freedom in putting your mission down on paper, in talking about it and saying it out loud. When nothing else in life makes sense, you will still know why you are here. Because with a mission, you can have hope, peace, calm, confidence, resilience… Power!
Business’ have missions statements, so why don’t you? Why doesn’t your family or your children have their own mission statement?
Who do you want to be, what kind of family do you want to be? What is your purpose here on earth? It’s got to be more than just going to work, coming home and watching Netflix.
It’s more than your job, your family, your faith. All of that is important and gives you purpose. But at your core, what is the one thing you would die for? What is that value, principle, calling, that is at the core of who you are? That thing that is the reason why you work the job, love your family and have a faith?
What does my mission statement mean to me? What is the one thing I would die for? FREEDOM. Whatever job I do, wherever I go, whoever I love, I want to create freedom. I want to speak freedom, ooze freedom, feel freedom and live free. I want freedom in every area of my life-mind, body and spirit. This means that every day I’m working on becoming free, making choices that will create freedom, finding ways to build business and generate income in a way that creates freedom for myself and others. Freedom is what guides me, excites me, holds me, feeds me. What guides you?
I’m going to start talking about my mission…About freedom. So once a week look for a message about creating freedom. I’m on a daily journey of becoming free of living free. Join me as we talk about what freedom means and how it can change our lives. I pray that in doing so you will become more free yourself and that you will begin to develop your own mission statement as well!
I’ll be hosting a group via zoom in January that you can join where I will walk you through how to create your own mission statement. Stay tuned for details friends!
See you next week!