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It’s not a problem, it’s a promise

Updated: Nov 28, 2021


I recently listened to a message by Leif Hetland called, “The Resting Place”.  What really stuck out to me was when he said, “It’s not a problem, It’s a promise”. As I began to digest this idea and put it into daily practice, it became a game changer for me.  This idea is all about getting outside our own heads and looking at our circumstances from a God perspective.  We all go through difficult circumstances every day like struggling financially, relationship difficulties, loneliness, health issues etc. and we often fixate on those problems which then lead us to becoming overwhelmed. So what if Instead of looking at the problem, we looked to God’s promises?

What if we spoke the promises of God over our lives which we find through his word, through time spent with him, through prophecies? So for example, something I’ve begun to say, “It’s not that I haven’t been able to land a job and I’m freaking out about bills”, it’s “God has an amazing job that he is preparing for me and this job is going to put me in a place of favor and blessing at just the right time because God has spoken promotion and provision over me.” Or for many of my single girlfriends, “It’s not that I can’t find the love of my life and I’m destined to be single forever”, it’s that “God is preparing me and my future partner and orchestrating our paths to come together at just the right time”. You get where I’m going with this. It’s looking to what God has said over your life, his promises and his truth.

It sounds so simple, but in those moments of despair it is so hard to look up because we are so overwhelmed by our feelings and our circumstance. I realize what I’m suggesting isn’t easy, in fact it’s extremely hard and often something I have to literally fight for. But let me tell you from experience, this perspective switch has changed my life.

Because your current circumstances are not your reality, circumstances will come and go but your reality is that you are a child of God. And your father God loves you unconditionally, he has plans for good and not for evil, he wants to give you the desires of your heart, his promises are yes and amen, he will never leave you or forsake you! Even though you don’t see it or feel it in this moment, choose to focus on the promise. It can lift your spirit in an instant and bring peace, hope and freedom instead of confusion, anxiety and sadness.

So instead of looking at the problem start looking to the problem solver!

→Link to Lief Hetlands sermon, “The resting place”:

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