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Emu Oil

Everyone should have Emu Oil in their medicine cabinet! There is nothing better for those that struggle with skin issues like eczema, rosacea and psoriasis but it also help with fine lines, wrinkles, dark and white spots, sun damage, stretch marks, burns, bug bites, rashes, arthritis, inflammation and SO much more!  If you ever watched "My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding," when the Dad put windex on everything...Emu Oil is windex for the skin!  


Emu oil absorbs into the skin easily because it contains fat lipids that are similar to those found in the tip layer of the skin. The oil is also able to break through the barrier of the skin and penetrate deep within the surface, allowing it to act as a powerful moisturizer. Because of emu oil’s anti-inflammatory properties, it has the power to reduce swelling and a number of skin conditions and stimulates skin cell regeneration and circulation. It is also very high in vitamins A & E which both contribute to its ability to heal the skin and reduce inflammation. Vitamin E serves as a natural anti-aging agent; it strengthens the capillary walls in the skin and helps improve moisture and elasticity. Vitamin E also helps balance cholesterol and fight free radical damage. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that plays a critical role in maintaining healthy skin and reducing inflammation. Vitamin A also boosts the immune system, helping fight conditions like the common cold, cough or flu.


The antioxidants present in emu oil promote healthy hair and nails. The vitamin E helps reverse environmental damage to hair and promote circulation to the scalp. Emu oil can be used for the hair to add moisture and promote hair growth.


Emu oil has become so popular that doctors recommend it for the treatment of burns and other skin conditions. When used topically and orally, emu oil is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat a number of health issues, including muscle pain, migraines and skin conditions.


Did I convince you yet?  I've been using Emu Oil for 20 years and it literally changed my life! That is why I use this oil in almost all of my products and why it's the base of my signature "Boss Anti-Aging Serum".  Trust me, you need some Emu Oil in your life!



100% pure, organic Emu Oil. Produced in the USA. 

Emu Oil

Excluding Sales Tax
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